YWAM Ruurikkala
Update 4/2021
During the summer 2012 we have taken rest of the steps! At February we acquired the land around Ruurikkala, at May we started to build House of Prayer and in August we started the School of Inspiration, Innovation & Influence.
We still need lots of support in prayer and finance, so Please join us in prayer, and if possible also sharing the word & giving financially!
What is YWAM Ruurikkala?
Ruurikkala’s story began in 2005 when God gave the following vision to a young Finnish man named Roope Laukkonen: “Ruurikkala is a place of God’s presence and a training center”. This is when the prayer battle began. As a result of the prayers God released Kartano Ruurikkala, the old vicarage of Evijärvi which was a hotel at the time, for the use of YWAM Finland in 2008.
(YWAM Finland is part of a global mission organisation called Youth With A Mission, YWAM)
Under the leadership of Roope and his wife Sanna-Maria, Ruurikkala quickly became known throughout Finland as a Christian training base, where the Word of God, the fear of the Lord and the presence of the Holy Spirit were in the core, and strong teaching was given through various seminars, camps and Discipleship Training Schools (DTS).
Over the years, thousands of young people and young adults have participated in Ruurikkala’s events. Almost 300 students from Finland and around the world have participated in Discipleship Training Schools and other long courses. More than 200 students have been trained and sent on short-term missions. There’s been up to 25 voluntary staff members serving in Ruurikkala at a time.
In 2015 God spoke of a “pruning season” which was ahead. During this pruning season both operations and Ruurikkala’s staff and leaders were pruned in many ways. As a result of this process all operations were put to a break in late 2019.
In the summer of 2019, Loren Cunningham, the founder of YWAM, visited Ruurikkala and asked a question: “Has God ever spoken to you about the University of the Nations (U of N) campus taking place in Ruurikkala?” In the video below, you can listen to what happened after Loren posed the question…
What is new?

Future plans

YWAM Ruurikkala’s vision since 2008 is “to be a place for God’s presence and a training center to know God and to make Him known in Finland, Israel and the nations!“. In the years to come, we continue to build our ministry on the original vision with an expanded and deepened understanding.
University of the Nations
YWAM’s University of the Nations (U of N) operates in 650 locations in 160 countries, providing programs in approximately 100 languages around the world. The U of N is committed to teach and develop men and women spiritually, culturally, intellectually and professionally.
As a student in the U of N, you are nurtured as a whole person. You learn in a discipling environment where growth in character and walking in the ways of the Lord are fundamental. You study only one subject at a time in a 12-week modular system, each course approached from a Christian perspective.
The U of N aims to equip students to serve in all spheres of society and in all nations. The goal of the U of N is to teach students how to apply biblical truth practically and to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).
Read more about U of N

Family Laukkonen at U of N Campus at Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
Training Believers to Do Business and to Influence the Society
School of
Insipiration, Innovation & Influence
-Keys to Making an Impact on Society-
It’s time to break out of the church bubble!
Discipleship must go deeper – a new kind of training is needed to guide believers to impact all different areas of society, wholeheartedly serving God! The church is only one of the seven “spheres of influence” in society, and it is simply not enough that discipleship focuses merely on the church sector.
A vision of a training was born out of that need; a training that combines knowing God, depth of the Bible, understanding the Biblical worldview and channels of influence in the society, communication skills, leadership training, and hands-on entrepreneurial training.
We are giving birth to a new generation which carries the principles of God’s kingdom, and a vision of a society where the Word of God is put into practice naturally and supernaturally in all the spheres!
In brief:
What? Training that integrates the Biblical principles into ordinary working life.
To whom? Those called to create something new, to be entrepreneurs and to know God.
Why? A successful society is built on the principles of God’s Word. Believers must rise up to lead and influence by creating something new under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
We challenge you to take part in what God is doing, and to financially support Ruurikkala!
Your support enables us to:
– Acquire 13 plots around Ruurikkala.
– Build a House of Prayer in the Summer of 2021.
– Launch the School of Inspiration, Innovation & Influence in the Fall 2021.
– Build more accommodation buildings & premises in the upcoming years.
“I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work.” 1.Cor. 3:6-9 (NLT)
How to Donate?
If you are willing to donate through normal bank transfer:
Bank Information
YWAM Finland Ry
Support account: FI08 5024 0720 0266 09
Reference number: 2600
Fundraising Permission
Owner of the permission: YWAM Finland Ry
Identifier: RA-2017-1353
Granted by: Poliisihallitus, Arpajaishallinto
Execution period: 14.1.2018-13.1.2023
Execution area: All of Finland excluding Åland.
Link for US Tax deductible gift
Link for CA Tax deductible gift
More about Ruurikkala
Contact us
Ruurikkala is located in Evijärvi, Finland
Kirkkotie 401, 62500 Evijärvi.
Puh. 044 544 6054.
Email: ruurikkala@ywam.fi