YWAM Koivumäki
Our Vision:
We want to be a place of God’s reality and presence, where people’s lives can find a new direction and meaning.
Our vision is to nurture the prophetic and, through it, encourage and equip believers to serve in the body of Christ in their local place.
How we fulfill our vision:
Intercessory Prayer School: teaches people to hear God’s voice and act according to the vision they receive, praying together.
We call intercessors from all over to join in communal prayer and worship.
Prayer Room in Koivumäki: to be a place for continuous intercession and praise,
and to equip intercessors in the areas of communal prayer, worship, and spiritual warfare.
We want to support local congregations in their work.
We organize open evenings regularly on Wednesdays during odd weeks at 6 PM at our center.
We also organize seminars and camps at separately announced times.

You can pray about giving a financial gift for some of the specific needs we have:
- Maintenance and renovation of our building (built in 1948)
- Annual expenses (e.g. electricity, insurance)
- Our prayer request is to restore the Eenok Prayer Hall located on our property to working condition. We also hope to have more accommodation space.
- Our building is largely heated by wood. If you can help with acquiring or processing firewood, we would be grateful.
- If you’d like to assist with kitchen or household tasks, your help is especially needed during events.
- Intercessory prayer for our work. If you’d like to become a member of the Koivumäki support circle and pray with us, we welcome you.
Additionally, we need help with plumbing, electrical work, and renovations. If you are a professional in these fields and willing to help, please get in touch. Even a one-day contribution is valuable to us!
Thank you all very much for your cooperation with us! We need your support to continue our work here.
Donation details: (click on account number)
FI47 5730 0820 7648 07
Reference: 77839
YWAM Finland ry, office@ywam.fi,
Sairaalankatu 5-7, 33100 Tampere
Purpose of the fundraising funds:
- General educational activities both domestically and internationally
- Strengthening and promoting the Christian worldview and culture in Finland and globally
- Helping young people adopt a Christian worldview and lifestyle
- Social, aid, and development cooperation
- Non-profit publishing of educational materials
- Work with children and youth
- Maintaining camp activities and club activities
- Information dissemination and international work through cooperation organizations
- Local activities through local associations that align with the association’s purpose
The funds raised may be used for staffing and salary costs related to the activities above, as far as the expenses are directly related to the implementation of the charitable purposes of the funds raised.
Newsletter August 2024
A story of how “everything” ended and began anew:
In October 2023, it became clear for the Kotinurmi and Korhonen families that the move to Koivumäki was now timely. The previous leader, Mark, had seen a dream/vision in which he handed the keys to Miska. The Kotinurmi family had received several prophecies encouraging them to move to Koivumäki. The Koti congregation from Kuopio also organized a camp in the fall, where many prophecies were released and the vision became clearer.
For the Korhonen family, the pieces fell into place, although leaving their own home and moving from a large house with three children was very difficult. The idea of moving to Koivumäki had been in their minds for many years. However, there was joy and certainty in everything, knowing that God was behind it all and that it was the right time to move. According to YWAM’s principles, we work in teams, so team leadership was seen as very positive. In a team, responsibilities and duties are shared, and each member brings their own perspective. In January 2024, new leaders were blessed for the task.
The center had very little activity. Everything had ended. The previous residents had moved out a couple of years earlier. The COVID-19 pandemic had also disrupted activities. The large, old house stood empty. Around Christmas time, the Kotinurmi family moved to the center. The winter was spent cleaning and warming up the house. A lot of old items had accumulated in the center over the years. The Korhonen family helped at times, as their move was only possible in the summer due to their children’s kindergarten schedule. Money for the kitchen renovation came in miraculously, and the old, worn-out kitchen was dismantled and a new one was installed. Workers were also found to carry out the renovation. On the Korhonen side of the house, interior surfaces and walls were renovated. One of the eleven fireplaces in the house was broken on the Korhonen side, and it was also repaired. A lot of practical work was completed at the center over the winter.
In the spring, Mark Erickson, with his team Tapio and Sini, led an intercession school at the center. The school took place on Saturdays, and many people came from different congregations. Victories were experienced in intercession both on a personal level and on a larger scale! The intercession school will continue in September 2024. See the website for more details.
In August, the leaders of YWAM Finland’s centers gathered at Koivumäki. Jon and Margot Nairn from Australia also came to encourage the leaders with prophetic messages. Several events were planned for August.
The Open Evenings resumed on August 14, and the house at Koivumäki was full again. It was decided to continue the Open Evenings on Wednesdays during the odd-numbered weeks. The Koivumäki team served with the Nairns at the Coti congregation in Siilinjärvi. On August 24, the team will be serving at the Koti congregation in Kuopio, and on August 31, there will be a “Day of Encounter with God” at the Koivumäki center.
We need help at the center with tasks such as cleaning projects and assisting in the kitchen during events, translation, and childcare/education. Financial support is also needed, as the center still requires renovations and other improvements (laundry room, Eenok Hall, chimney caps, fireplaces, interior surfaces, electrical work, new refrigerators, mattresses, and bedding).
We are grateful to all the faithful donors who have supported the center’s work for many years.
If you would like to join the Koivumäki support team in partnership with us, please contact us via email or phone. Your support can be in the form of intercessory prayer, practical help, and/or financial support. Let’s plan more together.
Blessed continuation of the autumn to all our friends. Shalom!
The Center (the old school) is currently undergoing an ongoing renovation project. The goal is to transform the school into a functional center that can host courses, seminars, and camps, as well as accommodate guests, etc.
Here are some future projects:
- Full renovation of the center, room by room, including bathrooms, classrooms, dining room, etc.
- Renovation of the Enoch Prayer Hall so that it can be turned into a 24/7 prayer room.
Help is also needed during events, for example, in the kitchen, with children’s care/education, translation, etc.
If you have a day, week, month, or more of extra time and would like to help in a practical way, don’t hesitate to contact us! We are open to receiving volunteers (“mission builders”) who have not attended the OP school but are willing to come and help at the center for up to 3 months.
How Did It All Begin?
Our family returned to Finland, confirmed by many prophecies. God spoke to us in various ways, indicating that He might give us a center in Finland. After traveling through Finland, searching for a location to establish the Mission Youth Center, it became clear that the Lord had chosen the Kuopio area.
It was in 2004 when we arrived in Kuopio for two days to find a rental apartment for our family. However, we didn’t find anything suitable. There were many apartments available, but they were all for sale. Our son found an old school building in Koivumäki listed for sale online. We didn’t have any money, but we felt that we needed to go see it. As soon as we arrived, I knew it was meant for Mission Youth. Later, we learned that God had spoken to a businessman from Kuopio, asking him to support us financially in purchasing the school. He came and paid the down payment, and so the center became ours. It is truly miraculous how God arranged everything, because the school was the very first place we visited, and GOD gave it to us.
We later learned that many of the school’s teachers were people of prayer, and we also heard about a great revival that had impacted the area years earlier. God hears the prayers of His people. They had been praying for this school, that it would be used for God’s purposes. They also told us that they had received a prophecy stating that there would be a church in Koivumäki. At the first Christmas celebration organized for the center’s neighbors, a guest stood up and said, “Now this prophecy has been fulfilled! His church is His, and it is for those who work and live in this old school.”
Mark Erickson
In 2024, the leadership of the center was transferred in agreement from Mark Erickson to the leadership team, which includes the Kotinurmi and Korhonen families. God spoke to these families in many ways, confirming that now is the time for us to move to Koivumäki and restart the work that had nearly ceased. Our vision is to continue the work under God’s guidance!
Open Nights
The open nights are on a break right now, but they will continue in the spring 2025. Stay tuned for information about the times and dates!
Missionuoret Koivumäki
Varpaisjärventie 1350
In the days that we live in it’s time for God’s people to rise, becoming more equipped in knowing the Person, Work, and Leading of The Holy Spirit. The School of the Prophetic is for those who have a deep hunger to encounter the Lord, and to be empowered of The Holy Spirit, flowing in His Gifts, and Prophetic Revelation. The teaching in this school will have a strong emphasis on personal discovery, and intimacy with the Lord. It’s aim is to equip, empower, and release people to minister. The subjects will include prophetic gifts, intersession, developing a Holy Spirit lifestyle, and activation of Prophetic ministry into the body of Christ.
The school is part-time from April 9th to June 6th, 2025 (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM). During the school, we will also participate in various church services at agreed times. The teaching will take place at YWAM Koivumäki in Siilinjärvi, Finland. There is no option for online participation.
The cost for day visitors is €440 (including meals and teaching), and for students living at the center, the cost is €960 (including accommodation from April 9th to June 6th 2025, meals, and teaching).
Week 1) April 9th -11th.
Introduction To The School Of The Prophetic.
God is Speaking.
Why the school?
School overview.
Staff and students share.
Role of Prophetic revelation in Scripture.
Prophecy in the Church and Media today. (Discussion time)
Week 2) April 16th – 18th
Intimacy and Personal Identity.
Your quiet times – Personal prayer life – Worship.
Being a Temple of The Holy Spirit, and carrying His Presence.
Spiritual mountain climbing.
Personal Identity and how do you see yourself.
Identity in ministry. (Not taking our ministry as our identity)
Knowing God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Week 3) April 23rd – 26th
Prophetic Revelation & Hearing God’s Voice.
Prophetic Journaling.
Prophetic listening.
Hearing the voice of God.
Being led by the Holy Spirit.
How to navigate pit falls and rising again.
Week 4) April 30th – May 2nd
Practical ministry and The Body of Christ.
Prophetic ministry / honouring respecting church leadership.
Personal Prophetic ministry with people.
Prophetic Counsel Team.
Practical prophecy.
Keeping prophecy pure and free of personal judgments.
Week 5) May 7th – 9th
Dreams, Visions & Prophetic Interpretation.
Dreams and Visions in Scripture.
Dream and Vision Interpretation.
Dream repetition, Instalments of revelation.
Prophetic Symbolism.
Week 6) May 14th – 16th
Intersession And Spiritual Warfare.
Intersession and prayer ministry.
Your Authority in Christ and Spiritual warfare.
Week 7) May 21st – 23rd
Lifestyle – maintaining a fresh Spirit filled life.
Personal Balance & Care 3 Tanks.
Personal growth and character.
Being connected – fellowship with a local Church or group.
Mentors, Fathers and Mothers.
Week 8) May 28th – 30th
Where do I fit?
Prophetic streams.
Discovering your anointing focus.
Book of Daniel.
Week 9) June 4th – 6th
Continuing your journey.
Students sharing & Skits.
Certificate presentation.
Celebration dinner.
A limited number of applicants will be accepted into the school. You can apply by email (koivumaki@ywam.fi) and answering the following questions:
Please begin by providing your contact details (full name, phone number, email address).
- Why are you applying to the School of the Prophetic, and what do you hope to gain from it?
- Tell us about your faith, your walk with God, and if you have attended any other Christian schools.
- Describe your current health status.
- Your level of English: a) poor b) average c) good d) excellent
- Does your pastor know that you are applying for the school? (Pastor’s name, phone number, email)
- The names and phone numbers of two references (mentor or someone involved in Christian ministry)
The following questions are for the references:
Please answer the questions honestly and send your responses promptly so we can process their application. Thank you.
- Reference’s name
- Applicant’s name
- Reference’s phone number and email address
- How long have you known the applicant, and what is your relationship with them?
- Describe the applicant’s character, their walk of faith, etc.
- Would you recommend or not recommend this applicant for the School of thee Prophetic? Why?
The school is led by Jon and Margot Nairn in collaboration with the YWAM Koivumäki staff.
Jon and Margot
Jon served as a senior pastor in a charismatic church in Australia for many years, before the Lord called the couple to missions in Europe. In the past 16 years, they have lived in Romania, and Finland, and have served in Eastern European countries, ministering in YWAM and different Churches and denominations. Their main focus has been to equip and release the Lord’s people, to flow with maturity in Holy Spirit ministry to cultivate lifestyles that can carry His Presence and Anointing.
Intercession School
The school starts on February 7, 2025, at 5:00 PM!
The Intercession School will meet on Fridays from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM starting on February 7, 2025. Everyone is welcome!
The school is led by YWAM’s long-time pioneer Mark Erickson, along with his familiar team members Sini and Tapio from the previous school. Welcome!
“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.”
-Matthew 5:14-15
Contact Us!
The center is located in Siilinjärvi, in the village of Koivumäki, at Varpaisjärventie 1350 (about 430 km from Helsinki).
The nearest train station is just 20 km away in Siilinjärvi, and Kuopio Airport is also nearby, about 30 km from the center.
In our staff
More about us