Your name: Your email address:
Applicant's name:
Applicant's email address:
Please select which school the applicant is applying for: Select SchoolHelsinki DTSAll For Jesus DTSCrossroads DTSCross Borders DTSBCC Lapland
How long have you known the applicant?
How well do you know him / her?
What is your relationship to him / her (friend, pastor, relative….)?
In what situations have you observed the applicant?
In your opinion, what are the applicant’s strengths?
In your opinion, what are the applicant’s weaknesses?
Mental and emotional stability StrongAbove AverageAverageBelow AverageWeak
Self-assurance? StrongAbove AverageAverageBelow AverageWeak
Ability to make decisions? StrongAbove AverageAverageBelow AverageWeak
Self-discipline? StrongAbove AverageAverageBelow AverageWeak
Is there anything else you feel that we should know about the applicant’s life before their school begins? E.g. Relationships, addictions, physical condition, or life management problems in past or present.
Would you recommend the acceptance of the applicant to this YWAM Finland school?YesYes, with small reservations (explain)No (explain)
Could you consider having the applicant as a subordinate?
What kind of tasks would you give him / her?
Thank you for your time and honesty! We appreciate you being willing to help us and the applicant out! Before submitting this form we encourage you to read over your answers to make that you are satisfied with them. What does 5x2 equal?